Know How to Use Basil Essential Oil, Also Learn Numerous Benefits
This amazing oil can be taken internally to stimulate the digestion system with the help of worm water. If you have a complaint of flu, then you can also mix it with any good carrier oil and take it. know how to take
- It gives relief in cold and flu. Place one drop of oil on a palm and on a cloth and inhale directly, it will give relief from a blocked nose in the cold.
- For preparing a refreshing drink add two drops of basil oil and peppermint oil into one glass of iced tea for a refreshing drink.
- Apply basil oil on fatigued or sore muscles and joints.
- For focus and study aid by diffusing two drops of basil oil, three drops of lemon oil, and two drops of rosemary oil.
- Add two drops of basil to one tablespoon of jojoba oil, and massage into achy joints and muscles. You can also add to body lotion and creams.
- Add five drops of basil oil and five drops of tea tree oil and two drops of grapefruit oil, pour a liquid to spray bottle, fill the rest of bottle with water shake well before use. sprinkle this water near the kitchen and bathroom to encourage clean air, especially in cold and flu seasons.
- To relieve headache and tension add three drops of this oil, two drops of lavender oil, and four drops of frankincense to a 10ml roller bottle, and fill the rest of the bottle with jojoba oil. Shake well and use roll onto temples and back of the neck, and shoulders to relieve pain.
Impressive Benefits and Uses of Basil Oil:
- This amazing oil is used in the treatment of whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis.
- It is used in the treatment of cuts, wounds, skin and bladder infections
- It improves blood circulation.
- Seeds of basil oil, when soaked in water, became gelatinous and are used in Asian drinks and desserts such as Faluda.
- Basil oil is used in ayurvedic medicines.
- When used on the skin basil oil reputed to nourish, repair, balance, calm soothe, exfoliate and brighten the complexion.
- This amazing oil is a popular ingredient in beverages and Italian foods such as pizza, pasta, and salad.
- It is also used in pickles, sauces, pasta, and meats.
- It is also used in aromatic applications.
- It is also used for the treatment of itching caused by bites from the honey bee, insect or even snake.
- Regular usage of basil oil provides mental health and clarity.
- It is used for culinary purposes.
- It is helpful in the treatment of acne and skin infections.
- It has carminative properties and is used for treating stomach problems such as constipation, stomach ache, indigestion, flatulence.
Know More About Basil Oil Like Properties, Cultivation Process and More
This evergreen oil is also known as Tulsi oil. Pure Basil oil is a culinary herb of the family Lamiaceae. The leaves of basil taste like anise, with a strong pungent, sweet smell. There are many varieties of basil, such as sweet basil, holy basil, lemon basil, and Thai basil. This amazing oil is derived from Ocimum basilicum. It belongs to the Lamiaceae or mint plant family.
Basil is an annual herb with a dark green color of leaves. The leaves are ovate in shape. The name basil comes from the Latin basileus and the Greek word means kingly plant. Most Asian basil has a clove-like flavor and lemon basil has a lemon flavor. It is native to India and other tropical regions from Africa to Southeast Asia but now become globalized due to human cultivation.
Basil oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-biotic, and diuretic, basil has been used in traditional Asian Indian medicine practices for years. Basil is known for its use in cases of stomach spasms, loss of appetite, fluid retention, head colds, warts, and even intestinal worm infections. This incredible oil is obtained by steam distillation of leaves, flowers, and buds of the basil plant.
This evergreen oil has the ability to treat nausea, inflammation, motion sickness, ingestions, constipation, and respiratory problems, fight bacterial infections, and manage diabetes. It is derived from the Ocimum basilicum plant and is also known as sweet basil oil in some places. In Europe, basil is placed in the hands of the dead to ensure a safe journey.
In India, basil is kept in the mouth of a dying person to ensure they reach God. The herb is considered sacred, mainly because it represents to goddess Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu. There is even an ancient custom in India to worship the plant. Water it and place the lamp near it in the evening time. Hindus believe that it brings good luck and protects their family from bad souls. Basil is sensitive to cold and grows best in hot climates.
Basil is cultivated in many countries around the world. Production areas include countries in the Mediterranean area. Basil grows best outdoors. It can be grown indoors in a pot and like most herbs, it grows in strong sunlight. It can grow in fluorescent light. Once the plant is allowed to flower, it may produce seed pods containing small black seeds which can be saved and planted for the following year.
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Know Chemical Components of Basil Oil. Where to buy in Retails?
The main components of basil oil are alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, camphene, myrcene, Cis ocimene, camphor, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol citronella, y-terpineol, geraniol, methyl cinnamate, and eugenol.
Basil Oil Blended with verbena, neroli oil, marjoram oil, lemon oil, lavender oil, grapefruit, ginger oil, fennel, black pepper oil, and bergamot oil.
Where to Buy Basil Oil Online