What is Lavender Oil

What is Lavender Oil
Posted on 2025-02-24

Know All About Lavender Oil, Properties and How to Make & More!

Lavender oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils., used in aromatherapy. Its evergreen shrub produces beautiful flowers. Its botanical name is Lavender Officinalis.

Lavender Officinalis is a shrub that has a sweet floral, herbaceous, and slightly woody scent. It is pale yellow or yellow-green in color.

Lavender oil is rich in ester and other chief constituents are Linolylacetate, linalool, terpene alcohol, terpene-4-ol, camphor, cis-ocimene, Lavandulyl acetate, 1,8 cineole limonene.

Lavender oil is extracted by steam stripping of the plant that is by passing steam around and through the lavender tops in a still.

AOS Lavender oil is used for improving digestion. It has the ability to lessen acne, help in lightening skin tone, and reduce wrinkles. This amazing oil works to kill bacteria and this can prevent and heal acne breakouts. It unclogs pores and reduces inflammation.

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Know 11 Surprising Uses of Lavender Oil. Very Intresting to Know How to Use?

  1. Take 4-5 drops of lavender oil, mix it with coconut oil (carrier oil), and apply it to your skin after washing your face.
  2. The oil made by AOS Products Company also acts as a toner by mixing 2 drops of lavender oil with one teaspoon of witch hazel-soaked cotton ball in the blend and gently rubbing it over the face.
  3. Mix one drop of the oil with a drop of Argan oil and put it directly on pimples, it reduces inflammation and regeneration of pimples.
  4. AOS Lavender oil has anti-fungal properties and reduces inflammation. It helps to keep eczema at bay.
  5. Mix one or two drops of lavender oil with an equal amount of tea tree oil, along with one teaspoon of coconut oil, and apply on the affected area. It helps to treat psoriasis also.
  6. Lavender oil has skin-lightening properties; therefore it helps to treat Hyperpigmentation.
  7. Lavender is rich in antioxidants, which help protect you from free radicals. Use a few drops of lavender oil with coconut oil and apply once a day.
  8. These evergreen oil sprays also help you to treat sunburns. In a spray bottle take a cup of aloe vera juice, 2 tablespoons of distilled water, and 10-12 drops of the oil shake the bottle to mix it well, and apply to the affected area.
  9. AOS Lavender oil acts as a mosquito repellent. Add a few drops of the oil in the right ounces of water and mix well You can spray it on your body and clothes as well.
  10. Lavender Essential oil can also be ingested in the form of a pill or used as steam for aromatherapy.
  11. It treats insect bites. Mix one to two drops of the AOS Oil with coconut oil and apply to the affected area.

MUST READ HOW TO CHECK PURITY OF THE OIL - How to find Pure Lavender Oil. Where to Buy Online?

1st Method: BLAT PAPER TEST-
With the help of a glass dropper put one drop of essential oil in the circle drawn. The Essential oil may take Thirty minutes to two hours to dry. Check if a greasy ring /mark appears around the drop, the oil may be adulterated.
2nd Method: GC test (Gas chromatography test) is one of the popular processes, by which you can check 100% Pure oil, but you remember that it is a very costly method.
3rd Method: To Find 100% Pure Lavender Oil you should buy direct from Manufacturer AOS Products.

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