Is Essential Oil Safe to Use in Cosmetics?
Many essential oils are used in cosmetic products. Essential oil has many properties like anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Due to the presence of all properties essential oils are used in cosmetic products. Essential oils used in cosmetic products are roman chamomile oil, tea tree oil, rose essential oil, lemongrass oil and rosemary oil.
It is important to check the quality of essential oil before use. Only pure essential oil has positive effect on skin. The aroma of the oil affects the limbic system in the brain that is the reason some essential oil has mood enhancing properties. Essential oil must be diluted with carrier oil before use it can irritate the skin. The concentration of essential oil should not exceed 0.5 %.
Which essential oil are good for dry skin?
Dry skin is often remedied with moisturizer or cream; some essential oil helps to treat the dry skin. Many essential oils are used to treat dry skin conditions like lavender oil, chamomile oil and sandalwood.
Lavender oil:
Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory properties, it provides the moisture to the skin and makes the skin smooth and soft. It treats the dry skin condition by reducing the redness, it repair the dry skin without making skin oily.
Chamomile oil:
Chamomile oil is also called as azulene, it increases the moisture in the skin and reduce the skin inflammation.
Sandalwood oil:
It is a natural antiseptic used in many beauty products like lotion, cream and toiletries. It is also called as chandan in India. It is used in many Ayurveda medicines. It reduces the inflammation of the skin. Sandalwood oil is the best remedy for any skin issue.
You Should to Know About Rosemary Oil
Which Essential Oils are Good for Oily Skin:
If the person has oily skin then the sebaceous gland secretes the excessive oil on your skin. Some factors like heat and humidity make the skin worse. Essential oils like clary sage, rosemary oil, frankincense oil, and Geranium oil help in oily skin.
Clary sage oil:
Clary sage oil is used for treating the oily skin condition, due to the presence of linalyl acetate and geranyl which helps to control the excess sebum. It also helps to prevent acne and also prevent wrinkles.
Rosemary oil:
Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, due to the presence of esters, it prevents the excess of sebum on the skin.
Frankincense oil:
It is amazing for oily skin, it works as an astringent, it helps to control sebum production. The astringent property of oil makes the skin firm and tight. The antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of the oil help to treat acne. It also works as a natural anti-aging cream. It also did not clog your pores.

Which Oils Promote Collagen?. Know Some Common Oils:-
Many essential oils promote collagen growth, like lemon oil, carrot seed oil, frankincense oil, rosehip oil, and geranium oil. Collagen is important for skin elasticity and for skin moisture. It is important for strengthening the fibrous connective tissue to muscles and bones.
Calendula Oil:
Calendula oil is used in ointments and creams, due to the presence of flavonoids which makes the ideal way to boost natural collagen production. It improves the youthful appearance.
Carrot seed oil:
It is amazing for the skin, due to its antioxidant properties it slows down the breakdown of collagen.
Lemon Essential Oil:
Lemon essential oil boosts collagen growth, it is also anti-bacterial, and it also keeps the virus away.
Geranium Essential Oil:
Geranium oil has a floral scent; it is helpful for reducing skin inflammation. It is amazing for the skin, it helps to prevent skin aging, it promotes the blood circulation of the skin, and it has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Several Essential Oils Useful in Cosmetic