Let's Know Power of Natural Oils for Sore Throat and More
An irritation or pain occurs without or with pain because of an infection like flu or cold or a burning and scratchy feeling it may cause an uneasiness to talk. There are many factors that cause sore throat like infections and sleeping with an open mouth.
Here are our AOS Products Pvt. Ltd‘s nature oils that are helpful in curing sore throat issues
EUCALYPTUS OIL – This oil is used at a large level for cosmetic products, cleaning products, and medicinal purposes. Eucalyptus is also known for its anti-bacterial properties.
HOW TO USE – add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in water and gargle with this water gives you relief from throat pain and bronchitis, you can also use eucalyptus oil for steam inhalation.
GINGER OIL – It is well known for its soothing qualities and it is a natural home remedy for colds, ginger oil boosts immunity to fight infections, and its anti-inflammatory qualities soothe the burning sensation and itchiness caused due to sore hurt.
HOW TO USE – add 2-3 drops of ginger oil with honey twice a day or you can make ginger tea also by adding a few drops of ginger oil to your regular tea when you make tea.
LEMON OIL – This evergreen oil is nowadays obtained from the fresh peel of lemons and the method that we apply here is called “steam distillation”. For sore throat, this finest lemon oil acts as a remedy because it has the ability to relax your mind and the muscles of the throat. It is a citrus vitamin C-rich ingredient.
Mix a few drops of lemon oil with any of the carrier oils of your choice for application on the skin, or you can also use this oil for aroma therapy for which you have to add a few drops of lemon oil to the diffuser of your choice before use making sure that the room or a place where you are taking aroma session must be ventilated.
ORANGE OIL - It is derived from orange fruit by the process of cold processing rich in vitamin C.
HOW TO USE – To cure sore throat you have to mix a few drops of orange oil in warm water and gargle with it.
Peppermint is an herb from the mint family, extract from the leaves of peppermint has many health benefits like it boosts the immune system reduce inflammation by providing smoothness. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to warm water with salt and gargle with it twice a day to cure sore throat. OR mix a few drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil like almond oil etc. and apply softly outside of the throat. We AOS Products Pvt Ltd, promise you to serve superior quality products on time delivery all over the world.
Also Read: How Carrier Oils Helpful for Hair and Skin

Natural Remedy of Sore Throat “Sage Oil“.
SAGE is a word that comes from the Latin word salve means to save this oil is helpful in many common issues that affect the body and mind. It is extracted from sage leaves by steam distillation method. It is helpful in digestive issues, and used to cure cavities, due to its anti-septic and anti-biotic properties Clary sage oil is like a medicine for sore throat. For which all you have to do is add a few drops of clary sage oil in water and add honey to it then boil it for 10-15 minutes and gargle with the mixture to get relief from sore throat.
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